Advertising Contact

    Please enter your contact info and upload your ad file here.

    As soon as we recieve your inquiry, we’ll get back to you and coordinate with you the ad’s display times, the payment and other modalities.

    [group group-934]


    Please upload your ad file here. You can use an [group group-479 inline]image file for an ad banner (for image dimensions please refer to our advertising page) or an [/group]HTML file with inline CSS, zipped as an archive or in TXT format.

    Allowed file types are: txt, zip[group group-479 inline], png, jpg, jpeg, webp[/group].
    File size limit is 2 MB

    Contact Form Somehow Doesn’t Work?

    You can also reach us at

    Orphans of Uganda
    Donate without Middlemen

    100% of your donation reaches directly to the children in need!
